Vortex Tutorial at MICRO 2021

NOTE1: If you are attending MICRO tutorial, please join vortex-dev@lists.gatech.edu or send an email to vortexgpu@cc.gatech.edu. Further instructions will be distributed by this mailing list.

NOTE2: Please see tutorial github for the updated tutorial information.

Data: 2021-10-18 (10:00 AM EDT- 1:00 PM EDT)


Hyesoon Kim (Georgia Institute of Technology) 

Blaise Tine (Georgia Institute of Technology) 

Jeff Young (Georgia Institute of Technology) 

Ruobing Han (Georgia Institute of Technology)_

Liam Cooper (Georgia Institute of Technology)

How to register: MICRO54 register link


Vortex is an open source Hardware and Software project to support GPGPU based on RISC-V ISA extensions. Currently Vortex supports OpenCL/CUDA and it runs on FPGA. The vortex platform is highly customizable and scalable with a complete open source compiler, driver and runtime software stack to enable research in GPU architectures. 

Vortex Homepage: http://vortex.cc.gatech.edu/ 

Vortex Github: https://github.com/vortexgpgpu/ 

Tentative Tutorial schedule:  

Part-1  (2 hours)   

20 min: Introduction of vortex and GPGPU backgrounds (Hyesoon Kim)  

20 min: Vortex microarchitecture Basic (Blaise Tine)  

30 min: Vortex code structure review  (Blaise Tine)  

20 min: Introduction of Vortex software stack (Blaise Tine, Ruobing Han)  

20 min: SimX + running OpenCL/CUDA on vortex (Hyesoon Kim, Ruobing Han)  

10 min: break  

Part-II: Hands on exercise  

30 min : Hands on session: running vortex on FPGA  (Blaise Tine + Jeff Young)  

(tutorial assignments #1-2)  

30 min: Hands on exercise: Tutorial assignment #3    (Liam Cooper + Ruobing Han + Santosh Srivatsan)

Request for Accounts

For the tutorial registered users, we will provide temp accounts. The information will be sent out later.