Vortex Workshop and Tutorial at MICRO 2024

2024 Vortex Workshop (in conjunction with Vortex Tutorial)

Sunday, November 3rd, 2024, Co-located with MICRO 2024

Call for Papers for Vortex Workshop

The Vortex Workshop aims to bring together Vortex developers, contributors, and users from academia, industry, and government to discuss Vortex-related research. The Vortex Tutorial will be held in conjunction with the workshop, providing an introduction to Vortex and its use in research and teaching. The workshop will offer an opportunity to share ongoing efforts in Vortex development or research using Vortex, thereby fostering the Vortex or open-source GPGPU community.

Topics of interest for the Vortex Workshop include, but are not limited to:

  • Design and implementation of Vortex GPGPU
  • OpenCL/CUDA running on Vortex
  • Compiler optimizations for Vortex
  • Memory hierarchy and management in Vortex GPGPU
  • Benchmarking and performance evaluation
  • Applications and case studies using Vortex
  • Security and reliability in GPGPU architecture
  • Comparison of Vortex with other GPGPU architectures
  • FPGA/ASIC implementation of Vortex

Submission Guidelines:

Authors are invited to submit 2-page papers, which must be formatted in accordance with the ACM two-column style. ACM Word or LaTeX style templates are available here.

Note: Workshop publications do not preclude publishing at future conference venues.

Important Dates:

  • Paper submission deadline: September 5th, 2024, 23:59 EDT
  • Author notification: September 17th, 2024
  • Workshop date: November 3rd, 2024, 8:00 AM CST – 12:00 PM CST

Submission Link:

Organizing Committee:

  • General Chair: Hyesoon Kim (Georgia Tech), Blaise Tine (UCLA)
  • Web Chair: Seonjin Na (Georgia Tech), Jaewon Lee (Georgia Tech)

Contact Information:

For more information about the submission on Vortex Workshop, please send email to vortex_submission@groups.gatech.edu.